My baby is growing up! How is it possible that she will be ONE this month? I am feeling especially sad about it, probably because I know she is my last baby.
But then again- she is so much fun too. She is walking now. Those fun stumbly steps. But she is SO determined. When she falls, she picks herself up and tries again with as much enthusiasm as before.
And smiles- does she smile? The only time she doesn't smile is when one of her sisters starts bugging her too much. It's funny how they learn that "eeehhhhhhh!" noise pretty fast which means 'BACK OFF SISTER!"
This weekend she started signing "more" when she wants more to eat. And she has her own sign for "all done."
And the one thing I wish I could get a picture of without exposing myself... when she is nursing at night and getting REALLY tired, she puts one hand up to her eyes to play peek-a-boo. I think it starts out as her hand over her eyes to block the light then she remembers, "Hey- I know this fun game that makes mama smile." If I don't watch her she reaches her hand up to pull my chin down to watch- then she does it again until she gets the reaction she wants.
I found her playing in the shoe basket this weekend. Nothing is more fun that big sisters' stinky shoes.