Friday, April 18, 2008

Hayley's Soccer Debut

Hayley had her first soccer game on my birthday, Wednesday. She did a great job for her first soccer game too!

After every switch of the players the coach has to ask, "which way to the goal?" At least they are all pointing in the same direction, right?

They have named their team "The Golden Eagles". This night they played the "Gray Sharks." There was a funny little conversation between one girl from each team that went like this:
GS: Yay! We're going to win because SHARKS eat EAGLES.
GE: Yes, but we can FLY. All you can do is SWIM. So we're gonna win because we'll just fly away!
GS: Oh, yeah? Well, I have BIG teeth.
GE: Yeah, so- I have feathers.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I am a Soccer Mom!

How did that happen? Here is Sydney from her first game last night.
I was really proud at how she really just got in there to get to the ball. I didn't expect her to be so aggresive.

I love this BLOCK shot. She just really put her whole self into the game. She left it all on the field and was EXHAUSTED when she got home last night!

Sydney's team has mostly brand new players, which is rare for this age group. I think there is only 1 or 2 girls on her team of 6 who have played before. The team they were playing against here were all together last year and played. But I bet it won't take Sydney's team long before they catch on.

I'll have Hayley pictures from her first game tomorrow!

Mmmmm... donuts!

In my best Homer Simpson Voice... Mmmm! Donuts!

Yes, she stuffed the entire mini donut into her mouth at one time. And that one in her other hand isn't long for this world either.

4 Wheelin'

Jeremy got a 4 wheeler. He NEEDS it for our yard. Here is what he REALLY needs it for...


I just LOVE the pure looks of joy on my girls' faces when they are swinging. Addy is no exception.