Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Thank you, Mary, for all of your work this weekend planting new plants.
Thank you, Jeremy, for all of your work putting in the new beds and mulch!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Nothing more to say other than I just LOVE this time of year!

Soccer is over

After only 2 games actually PLAYED on time this year (thank you mother nature for 2 snow storms and rain and cold days), soccer is over. And what a LONG way the girls have come. Hayley FINALLY scored a goal, the last one of the season, with another teammate. (The jury is still out on who actually kicked it IN the net, but they happily shared credit). For her first year I think she did a great job!

One of my favorite parts of the game, and the part that for some reason always brings tears to my eyes, is at the end when the players line up to high-five eachother and say "Good game! Good game! Good game!"

Sydney also had a great season. Her coach gave her the MIP (Most Improved Player) award. She went from being pretty timid around the ball to scoring 7 of her team's 12 goals in the final game. One of them included her stealing the ball from the other team's player while Sydney was blocking the goal, and taking the ball all the way from the other team's goal to her own goal.

As you can see from this picture Sydney puts her WHOLE body into the kick!

Somewhere over the rainbow...

We spotted this beautiful full arc rainbow with a slight double rainbow outside our back door on Jeremy's birthday. Of course I had just put the girls to bed when I noticed it so I quick woke Sydney up and she came outside to see it. Hayley was so far off into dreamland that I couldn't get her awake enough to look out her bedroom windows.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Hayley's Almost Sleepover Party

Hayley asked to have a slumber party to celebrate her 5th birthday. I didn't think we were QUITE ready for that yet, so we had an "Almost Sleepover" party instead.

Here is the table set for the party

I made pillowcases with their names on them for the girls to decorate .

Hayley's birthday gift was this bounce house. The description on calls it the "De-energizer" and it definitely does that!

Great-grandma and Nana were able to come up for the party too. Here great-grandma watches two of the girls decorating their pillow cases.

Here is Hayley with her 5 friends. It was hard to get a picture of all of them sinc ethey kept sinking into the slide.
And finally our birthday girl blowing out her candles.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy Birthday, Hayley!

I know you can't read the type on here, but it just talks about how magical Hayley had thought "FIVE" would be. "When I'm 5 I won't do that anymore!" And now, "I'm only 5, right mom, not 5 and 1/2?" And I do have to say that when she woke up this morning, she does look a little different. A little more grown up and mature. She is FIVE!!!
We have a great weekend planned. Today we'll deliver May Baskets, as we do every year on her birthday (although I think this is more for mommy's benefit than Sydney & Hayley's). Tomorrow Nana and Greatgrandma are coming to visit. Hayley is having her "Almost Slumber Party" on Saturday night. Oh, and soccer Saturday morning (if it doesn't snow- who forgot to send Mother Nature the memo on IT IS SPRING!). Sunday we have Hayley's preschool graduation.