Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Testing Windows Live Writer

So I've been doing this blog now for nearly 2 years and I hate the format of blogger. But I love that it is free.

So today on another blog I saw some information about Windows Live Writer. It is supposed to make it easier to add photos and post to the blog. So I'm trying it out.

In blogger if you add a photo it automatically pops up to the top of the post, which drives me crazy, especially when I have a bunch of photos to add.  With Windows Live Writer I am supposed to be able to put the photos anywhere. And I can post offline, which is great too.

So here is my test!


Great it works. And the great thing is I can rotate my photos in Live Writer, you can add effects too! YAY!!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Eight is GREAT!

Eight years ago a baby was born, and so was a mother (and a father, and grandparents, and aunts and uncles)! It is hard to imagine life now without these three precious girls in our lives. Each one of them is so different from the others, but also holds a special place in their dad & my heart!

Happy Eighth Birthday, Sydney!!!

Do you have a favorite Sydney memory? Post it in the comments. Sydney will LOVE to read all of the stories about her.

One of my favorite Sydney moments was when I was pregnant with Hayley. Jeremy use to puff up his belly to pretend he was pregnant too. One night when he did it Sydney looked at him and said, "WOW Daddy, that's ONE BIG BABY!"

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sydney's birthday party 2008

We had seven of Sydney's friends over for our first slumber party on Saturday night. It was a blast. The girls were all SO well behaved. The first ones (including the birthday girl) fell asleep around 9:30. The last one was just falling asleep when I went to bed at 11:30.
Here are some pictures:

Sydney requested the nail polish game again. The girls all sit in a circle and pass around 3 pots of nail polish to some music. When the music stops whoever has the nail polish gets to paint one finger nail or toe nail. I'm not sure why it worked out this way, but the same 3 girls kept getting all of the nail polish. they must have been holding on to it longer or something. Anyway I think it got passed around about 4 times and then they were bored with the game and just decided to paint their nails instead.
Shortly after the nail polish game I noticed how wonderful the light was so I had the girls pose for a picture.

I made pillow cases again for the girls to decorate:
After dark we had a camp fire going and gave the girls glow necklaces and played "Ghost in the Graveyard." It was fun. The girls were all running around outside in the dark playing tag. We also found some left over sparklers and let them do those too.

We had music going the entire time, and at one point the girls all sang along.