Sunday, October 26, 2008

My baby is growing up!

My baby is growing up! We took down her crib today. Took the crib down for the LAST TIME in our house. I'm feeling a little emotional about it. I mean, she's my baby.

But she won't stay IN the crib, so it makes sense to take it down. She's been sleeping in her bed (well at least a few hours each night) for 2 or 3 weeks now.

But she is my baby!

But she's talking SO much. Such great sentences like, "Oh darn it! I spill my water!" (You should hear her "OH darn it!" It is so cute!)

And she is using the potty. Quite a bit at daycare and almost every time for #2 at home.

BUT she is my baby. Have I mentioned that?

BUT she will be TWO in just a few weeks. TWO! I remember Sydney turning two like it was yesterday, but that was SIX years ago. (We announced we were pregnant with Hayley at Sydney's 2nd birthday parties). And Hayley at two- she had the cutest piggy tails. (Well, Addy lacks that!)

But today, when we were out shopping, and she fell asleep in the car. She stayed asleep and I sat on a comfy couch with her asleep on my chest while Jeremy & the older 2 looked for bunk beds. I had flash backs to when she was just tiny. But instead I just took a LONG sniff of that warm baby head smell. Can I bottle that??? Then the sales guy talked about his son turning 15 today. And how he really misses these younger years.

And just look at her last year at this time over on the top right hand side of the page. She had JUST started walking, but both Sydney & Hayley had to hold on to her so tight so she wouldn't just tumble over. And look how tall she's gotten in just a year!

So, we took the crib down for the last time. But, she'll always be my baby, right???


  1. I have tears in my eyes; I feel the same way about Will and cannot believe he's the caboose.

  2. And she is such a little mini Erin, too!

  3. Very sweet! I got a little teary-eyed too. Our babies growning up is so bittersweet.
