Friday, December 4, 2009

Countdown to Christmas 2009

Addy is having a particularly difficult time this year with understanding why there are gifts out that she can't open NOW.

So I first came up with the idea of making a paper chain. We'll tear one off every morning and when there aren't any left we can open gifts!

That night Addy decided she would just tear them all off NOW to save us the time so she can just open the gifts NOW!

"What do you mean I can't just tear them off now?"

And this is what happens when you tell a tired 3 year old "no"...

So then I saw a great suggestion about wrapping up Christmas books (one for each night before Christmas) for the kids to open. 
We read one Christmas book every night before bed anyway this time of year, so this is the PERFECT solution. I hope anyway...
Stay tuned to see if this solves our "my want to open Addy's packages NOW" situation in our house.

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