Friday, August 17, 2007

Why am I late for work?

Do you want to know why I'm late for work? You try just ONE morning in my shoes. This morning it went something like this....

The alarm goes off at 6:30 (20 minutes later than usual because it was a LONG night). As soon as the alarm goes off Addy is standing in her crib ready to be up for the day. *yawn*

I get Addy out of her crib and place her on the bathroom floor with some toys. She is NOT happy about that. Have YOU ever tried going to the bathroom with a baby on your lap? NOT easy. So I try to make her dolly look as interesting as possible- but it just isn't cutting it.

I climb into the shower and have to now pull the outside shower curtain IN to the shower because Addy is crawling over to the tub to stand up. She could pull it down on top of her which would cause more trauma for the morning.

THANK GOODNESS Sydney wakes up and comes into the bathroom to entertain Addy while I finish showering. (By the way- Hayley is at Jeremy's parents for the week- so this is just a morning with 2 kids.)

As I get out of the shower Addy is under the bathroom sink getting into things. (Note to self- this weekend figure out a way to baby proof that cabinet- maybe put a toy basket under there and move the cleaning supplies and other dangerous things to the highest shelves behind the door).

I move Addy over just a bit so I can blow dry my hair. Which REALLY makes her mad. So she crawls over to the toilet and starts pulling the caps off of where it screws into the floor. So I move her back to the toys. She screams at me.

I finally get my hair blow dried after moving her 3 times from that darned cap. Now she is standing by the toilet paper roll. Nothing is more fun than pulling ALL of the TP off of the roll right?

Sydney is trying to be helpful so she tears off the TP Addy has pulled off and puts it into the toilet (Note to self- buy more TP).

Sydney lets the dog in from outside. Either it rained last night or there was lots of dew, so the dog's paws are muddy. Of course he jumps up on to the unmade bed. So now Jeremy has muddy dog prints on his side of the bed. I dont' have time to give the dog a bath, so I put him in he kennel until I can let him back outside.

Now to get dressed. I didn't get my clothes ironed last night like I usually like to do because Jeremy decided to go to bed at 9:00. So I have to find a way to keep Addy entertained while I am ironing, because nothing is more interesting when I am ironing than the legs of the ironing board.

Finally get to ironing and notice that there are little finger prints on the back of the white shirt I want to wear. Hmmmm- wonder where those came from. I don't have time to iron a different outfit since I already have my mind set on this one so I get out my Tide To Go Stick (A mother MUST have invented this thing). It takes out most of the fingerprints. The rest I will wear proudly as my badge of motherhood today.

Breakfast (It is now 7:30 which is 30 minutes later than I usually start breakfast). Addy is NOT happy with Cheerios this morning or yogurt. But she DOES take her medicine which is HUGE for this morning. But she won't take the whole teaspoon all at once- just about 1/8 of a teaspoon full at a time.

Sydney is getting so grown up- she pours her own cereal and milk! THANK GOODNESS without a spill!

Sydney of course wants her hair done in these special new piggy tails- that takes a good 5 minutes.

We finally walk out the door at 7:55. About 5-10 minutes to daycare (thank goodness I live in a small town) and then straight to work.

So that is WHY I am late for work. ;) Wanna make something of it???

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