Thursday, January 10, 2008

Funny things I don't want to forget

So it's hard enough to have THREE girls, but I guess as much as I have been complaining (ok, not really complaining- but commenting. I still need to find her that t-shirt that says "Daddy does my hair") about Addy being bald I need to be more thankful I think.

Every morning it is a struggle to get out of the door, and the hair only plays into it.
But what I want to remember is not the screaming and the tears and the "YOU ARE HURTING ME MAMA!" But the fact that every time I sit down to do someone's hair- Addy has to be RIGHT THERE. Wedging herself between whoever is sitting in front of me and my leg.

One day Addy... one day...

1 comment:

  1. That's really sweet! =) Her hair is filling in pretty fast though!
