Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Words words words

I was reading through some of my favorite blogs today and ran across this one that is sent to me by Wondertime. The dad is talking about his daughter's first words:

In the beginning was the Word, the Bible tells us. But parents of a 1-and-a-half-year-old know otherwise. In the beginning is the Wail. Then come the Shriek, the Laugh, the Demanding Grunt, the Gibberish ... And only then — at last, when you've waited and waited — the Word.

We have LOTS of words at our house. Addy is just starting with her words, which today include:
mama, dada, baby, bye-bye, milk, more. And a few others that just WE understand. And the head nod- which isn't a word- but is sure funny when you ask her a yes or no question and she nods appropriately.

Then there is Hayley who has always struggled with her words, but she is growing SO much. Just the last couple of weeks she has started to realize the difference between she, her, hers. And she is starting to correct herself, which is GREAT. (I'm so use to emphasizing my own use of she, her, hers- it's hard to stop even when writing)

And Sydney who has ALWAYS been a talker, but who can now express her emotions to let people know how their words make her feel. One of Sydney's first words was opposites and bicycle. BIG words!

It's just amazing. And I think I forget how amazing it is, until I get to watch one of the girls start the journey to words. To go from NO words to 6 and then to hundreds in a matter of months. Our pediatrician told us at Addy's one year appointment to expect her to double her words in the next 3 months. Can you imagine? DOUBLE! Her little brain is growing so fast!

Then by the time she is 7 not only will she know words like circulation- but she'll be able to explain to me, like Sydney is, how the blood travels through the body and the heart and the lungs and how each of those organs help the blood. (See- I can't even explain it)

And the anticipation of what funny things will come out of Addy's mouth. I look forward to those days and being able to share those stories.

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