Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December 2, 2008

HA! The lights were found. OF COURSE they were in the smoothie maker box behind the water heater. Where else would they be?

Jeremy put the lights on the tree while I got Sydney ready for her Winter Program.

I promise to add pictures tomorrow.

The 2nd graders did great. A few of them had a hard time standing still. One little girl in the front row was really bothered by her tights and was itching at them, and eventually pulled her dress up to pull them up. Too funny!

Sydney had one part in the concert where she and some girls from her class got up and did a little kick line wearing Snickerdoodle cookies on their heads. Sydney's fell off and she was a little embarrassed, but she kept right on going.

I am always amazed at how well the music teacher can keep all 100+ 2nd graders all on stage performing so nicely! AMAZING!

We didn't get to read tonight because the concert went pretty late.


  1. Glad the lost is found. Did you look for the camera cord in my furnace room. Sounds like something I'd do. Over the holiday I lost the girls' pictures, a bra, and that camera cord.

  2. I guess I know where I get my ability to lose things. Thanks mom!!! ;)
