Friday, December 12, 2008

Knight or Night???

When we were home for Thanksgiving my mom took Sydney, Hayley, and me to see a local production of Amal and the Night Visitors. It's a great Christmas story of the 3 Wise Men who stop at the home of a Widow and her son, Amal.

Well, the girls have been practicing for their Christmas Pageant at church and Hayley informs me that she is going to be Knight. I figured maybe there was some special production going on or something until she said, "Remember. Like the knights in Amal." ;)

NIGHT visitors, but Hayley in her world of princesses and queens and kings, she thought they were KNIGHT visitors.


  1. What a great story. You never know what's going on in their little minds. She'll make a great Knight|!!!

  2. Alicia and I went to see this play, too. It was interesting. I love the way she thinks.
